Vincent Laforet

In our class over the last few weeks, this name has come up several times: Vincent Laforet.  We watched one of his videos, Mobius, and also a handful of tutorial videos on making videos.  His Mobius video is so incredible, the way it looks, how perfectly it’s put together, how professional it looks, that it’s hard not to be instantly interested in him.  Then when we watched the tutorials, created by himself and someone from Vimeo, it was even better.  The Vimeo guy dressed as an astronaut, and Vincent Laforet dressed as a viking.  How can you not like a guy like that? (One of the videos is here )

When I got home I jumped online and popped over to his website.  I can’t find a way to put some of his photos on my blog without resorting to Google, and, frankly, I don’t trust Google when it says “Hey, these are some of Vincent Laforet’s photos!”.  It’s too hard to verify.  So, I shall link to some of his pages.

USS Abraham Lincoln photos


Katrina One Year Later

Overall, I really like this guy’s work.  I love that fact that he’ll do tutorial videos dressed as a viking.  I love the quality of the videos he does and creates himself (and with his crew, of course).  I love the photos he takes, the feel they have and the look of them.  And I really like that he’s not got that snotty, stuck up, I’m-a-pro-photographer attitude.  He seems like someone you might be willing to spend an afternoon with.

Don’t forget to check out his blog, and, because I know this is actually what he looks like:

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