Texture Photography

As part of our projects, we have to blog about a photographer or two who shoots wholly or partly in a similar style as our assignment.  Our first commercial project was texture, and the first person I thought of to blog about was Al Brydon.

I’ve followed him for a while.  I stumbled on his Etsy shop, saved it in my favorites, and have since followed him on Facebook as well.

He lives in Northern England, Sheffield, I believe, and focuses mainly on environmental photos.  He often, according to his Facebook page, heads out into the fields and hills in overcast and rainy weather (as is prone to happen in The North) to take pictures.

I tend to be drawn to outdoorsy photos, and I really enjoy his work.  The fact that he prefers overcast skies to sunny ones alone fascinates me.  And since he takes photos of the world outdoors, it is full of texture.